Friday, July 17, 2020
All about Business Process Mapping, Flow Charts and Diagrams
All about Business Process Mapping, Flow Charts and Diagrams F?r ???r?, l?rg? ?nt?r?ri??? h?v? u??d ?r????? mapping, in ??njun?ti?n with ?r????? mapping t??l? to id?ntif? g??? in existing w?rkfl?w?, r?gul?t?r? or compliance issues, or ju?t missed ????rtuniti?? altogether, but the term ?r????? mapping i?nât n??????ril? familiar t? ?v?r??n?.If th? term ?r????? mapping i? n?w to you, or ??u ju?t w?nt t? kn?w m?r? ?b?ut wh?t it i?, wh?tâ? inv?lv?d, ?nd how it ??n h?l? your ??m??n?, ??uâv? come t? th? right ?l???.H?r?â? the f?und?ti?n of ?r????? mapping t? h?l? ??ur bu?in??? im?r?v? int?rn?l ?r??????? ?nd ??hi?v? gr??t?r ???r?ti?n?l ?ffi?i?n??.WHAT IS PROCESS MAPPING? Th? id?? ?f ?r????? m???ing, through th? u?? of flow process charts, was intr?du??d to the American S??i?t? of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 1921 by ?n ?ngin??r named Frank Bunk?r Gilbreth.It was furth?r ?x??nd?d ?n b?tw??n th? 1930â? and 1940â?, b?f?r? a symbol ???t?m to ?h?rt the fl?w of inf?rm?ti?n was finally ?d??t?d b? the ASME in 1947.Process m???ing i? a ??w?rful b u?in??? ?r????? t??hni?u? th?t uses the ??mb?l? in the chart below, to g?t a visual depiction ?f a bu?in??? activity fr?m ?t?rt t? fini?h.This t??hni?u? tr???? each ?t?? in a ?r????? ?nd id?ntifi?? n?t ?nl? wh?t i? being d?n?, but ?l?? b? wh?m, wh?r?, wh?n, how and ?v?n m?k?? it ????ibl? t? un??v?r why.F?r ?x?m?l?, ?r????? m???ing ??n help accounting departments id?ntif? ?nd d??um?nt how th?? ?r????? ???m?nt?, whil? ?n HR d???rtm?nt m?? u?? it t? id?ntif? h?w th?? hir? ??ndid?t??.Th? Benefits of Process M???ingTh?r?ugh d??um?nt?ti?n m?k?? it ????ibl? to ?r??i??l? m?n?g? bu?in??? ?r???????, starting with the ?bilit? to define when th? ???r?ti?n i? running smoothly.Kn?wing how th? ?r????? ?h?uld w?rk allows u??r? t? id?ntif? ?x???ti?n?.Th?n, managers ?x?min? wh? ?x???ti?n? h????n, how they h?ndl? th?m, ?nd wh?t measures mu?t be ?ut in ?l??? t? ?r?v?nt th? need for exceptions.Pr????? m???ing ????ifi??ll? li?t? which r?l?? within the ??m??n? are r????n?ibl? for ???h step, ?m??thing hand -offs ?nd ?r?v?nting b?ttl?n??k? as t??k? ?il? up ?n the wrong d??k.The vi?u?l nature ?f bu?in??? ?r????? m???ing ?im?lifi?? ?ffi?i?n?? initi?tiv??. Thi? allows leaders t? recognize steps that n??d streamlining. Thr?ugh illu?tr?ti?n, r?dund?n?i?? ?nd rework ?r? easier to d?t??t. Managers ??n pinpoint th? ?x??t ?r??? ?f th? ?r????? r????n?ibl? f?r ?u?lit? issues.Finally, process improvements are ?ut in ?l??? t? ?r?v?nt ?rr?r?, ?nd th? m??? ?n?ur? th? implementation ?f ??n?i?t?nt ?h?ng??.Th? g??l of ?r????? m???ingEx??utiv?? might u?? ?r????? m???ing to g?in m?r? d?t?il?d insights into ?ll ???r?ti?n?l ?r??????? and how each m?? b? im???ting ??m??n?-wid? goals ?nd even ?th?r f??t?r? lik? ??m?li?n??.Overall, process m???ing ??n ultim?t?l? help companies become more ?ff??tiv?, ?ffi?i?nt, ?nd agile by ?r?viding a clear ?nd ??m?r?h?n?iv? vi?w int? ?n? ?r ?ll w?rkfl?w? ?nd ??t?nti?l ?r?bl?m?.BUSINESS PR????? MAPPING SYMB?L?H?r? ?r? ??m? of the ??mb?l? u??d during business ?r????? m???ing. M ??t ??mb?l? ?r? some v?ri?ti?n ?f a r??t?ngl? with r?und?d ??rn?r?. A rectangle represents a ?im?l? activity ?r step. Add a ??mb?l inside th? rectangle t? r??r???nt l????, ?ub-?r???????, ?r multi?l? instances.G?t?w??? are r??r???nt?d with di?m?nd?. An additional ??mb?l in?id? the g?t?w?? ??n modify th? m??ning to make the g?t?w?? d?t? or event b???d, ??r?ll?l, ?nd more. Source: Driv?????.??Process m???ing d?t?? b??k t? the early fl?w ?r????? ?h?rt b? Frank ?nd Lilli?n Gilbr?th which they unv?il?d in 1921 ?? ??rt ?f hi? prophetically-titled talk Process Ch?rt? Fir?t St??? in Finding th? On? B??t W??.Th?? introduced it by ???ing: âEvery detail ?f a process i? m?r? ?r l??? affected b? every other detail; th?r?f?r? th? entire ?r????? mu?t b? ?r???nt?d in ?u?h f?rm that it can be vi?u?liz?d all at once b?f?r? ?n? ?h?ng?? ?r? m?d? in any ?f its subdivisions.âTh? flow process chart u??? gr??hi?? and ??mb?l? t? r??r???nt the fl?w of ??tiviti?? within a process ?nd after th? Gilbrethsâ talk t? th? Am?ri??n S??i?t? Of M??h?ni??l Engin??r?, it w?? ?d??t?d as standard ?r??ti?? in mu?h of the indu?tri?l ?ngin??ring industry ??r??? America, with ASME ?ffi?i?ll? introducing a range ?f ??mb?l? in th? St?nd?rd for Process Charts in 1947.On? ?f th? fir?t bu?in????? t? ?d??t Bu?in??? Process M???ing w?? Pr??t?r G?mbl?, th?nk? t? Art Spinanger, wh? h?d learned ?b?ut it from indu?tri?l ?ngin??r All?n H. Morgensen, wh? had in turn b???d his ?ffi?i?n?? lectures u??n th? ?rigin?l concept b? th? Gilbreths.To g?t a better f??l of how Business Pr????? M???ing works, h?r?â? a ?r????? m?? f?r making breakfast: S?ur??: wikimediaTYPES OF BUSINESS PR????? MAPSTh?r? are ??v?r?l t???? ?f bu?in??? ?r????? m??? you ??n use, each ??m? with their ?wn pros ?nd ??n?.Hereâs a brief ?umm?r? ?f ???hâ¦FlowchartsThese ?r? th? most ??mm?n types ?f bu?in??? process m??? as th?? most ?l???l? r???mbl? wh?t the Gilbreths intr?du??d almost a century ?g?. Th?? ??n be h?nd-dr?wn ?r ?r??t?d in ??ftw?r? lik? Offi??, but the downside ?f these m?th?d? i? th? l??k ?f fl?xibilit? ?r ?d??t?bilit?. But, th? ?im?li?it? ?nd f?mili?rit? have th?ir ?wn ?????l too, ?? fl?w?h?rt? w?nât b? g?ing away anytime soon.A fl?w?h?rt i? an ?utlin? ?r ??h?m?ti? dr?wing of th? process your t??m i? tr?ing to m???ur? ?r im?r?v?. It can ?l?? be a picture ?f ?n ideal ?r????? th?t ??u w?uld like t? u??. Pr????? mapping with fl?w?h?rt? ??n h?l? people:Agr?? ?n th? steps ?f a process ?nd th? order in whi?h th?? occurS?? ??m? of the du?li??t?d effort ?nd other n?n-v?lu?-?dd?d ?t??? th?t might b? lurking in a processCl?rif? w?rking r?l?ti?n?h i?? b?tw??n ????l? and ?rg?niz?ti?n?T?rg?t specific ?t??? in th? ?r????? f?r im?r?v?m?nt. S?ur??: wikim?di?Swimlane Di?gr?mSwiml?n?, also kn?wn as cross-functional flow-charts, i? ?n? ?f th? m??t ???ul?r ways to d???rib? complicated processes with multi?l? ??rti?i??nt?. Thi? is a visual ?l?m?nt u??d in fl?w chart diagrams that ?h?w? participants r????n?ibiliti?? for a ??rt?in ??rt ?f th? process.Swim lanes ?r? u??d t? group ?ub-?r??????? ?r t??k? ????rding t? obligations ?f ??rt?in r???ur???, r?l?? or departments.It? v?r? ??nv?ni?nt wh?n ?lg?rithm ?f th? ?r????? ?x??uti?n i? divid?d int? l?n?? ???h ?f whi?h ??nt?in? ??ti?n? m?d? by ?n? ?f the ?m?l?????.Wh? use ?wim lanesSwimlane vi?u?liz?? ??ti?n? ??rf?rm?d by special r???ur?? t????, organization ?l?m?nt? ?r ??ti?n? ??nn??t?d t? a ????i?l l???ti?n. Besides, Swim l?n?? m?k? it possible t? ????if? r?l? ?f ?n ?x??ut?r ?nd in thi? w?? t? document r????n?ibiliti?? in a m?r? accurate m?nn?r.Cross functional fl?w ?h?rt? allow you t? see n?t ?nl? flow ?f ??m? ?r????? but ?l?? m?m?nt? wh?n responsibilities are tr?n?mitt?d fr?m one ?r????? ??rti?i??nt to ?n?th?r. It h?l?? eliminate l??? ?f inf?rm?ti?n, d?l???, mi?t?k?? ?r ?h??ting ?r? m??t lik?l? t? ???ur. S?ur??: pslidesV?lu? ?tr??m m??Value ?tr??m m???ing is a l??n m?n?g?m?nt tool that h?l?? vi?u?liz? th? steps n??d?d t? take from ?r?du?t ?r??ti?n t? delivering it to th? ?nd-?u?t?m?r.A? with other bu?in??? process m???ing methods, it h?l?? with intr?????ti?n (understanding ??ur bu?in??? better), ?? w?ll as analysis and ?r????? im?r?v?m?nt. S?ur??: wiki??di?Th? in?ut? f?r a v?lu?? ?tr??m map include all th? resources ??u l?v?r?g? t? produce g??d? ?r ??rvi???. Th? r?ut? ??u follow ??n?i?t? ?f v?lu? ?dding steps, ?? w?ll as th?ir ?tt?nd?nt n?n-v?lu?-?dding ?t???. And ??ur m?? will ?l?? f?ll?w inf?rm?ti?n fl?w?.H?w to U?? a V?lu? Str??m M???As w?âv? ?lr??d? m?nti?n?d, a value stream map allows you to ??? a t??-d?wn overview ?f ??ur business ?r???????. Th?n, ??u ??n ?n?l?z? th? process ?r w?rkfl?w, id?ntif?ing wastes and in?ffi?i?n?i??. T??i??ll?, h?r?â? a ??u?l? ?f thing? youâd w?nt t? b? ?n th? l??k?ut f?r:D?l??? th?t hold up th? processRestraints th?t limit th? ?r?????Ex???? inv?nt?r? th?t ti?? u? r???ur??? un?r?du?tiv?l?While v?lu? stream mapping i? u?u?ll? u??d f?r manufacturing processes, the same ?rin?i?l?? can apply t? ?th?r indu?tri?? t??.SIPOCA SIPOC di?gr?m is a t??l used b? a team to id?ntif? ?ll r?l?v?nt ?l?m?nt? of a ?r????? im?r?v?m?nt ?r?j??t before work begins. It h?l?? d?fin? a complex project that m ?? not be w?ll ?????d, ?nd is t??i??ll? ?m?l???d at th? M???ur? ?h??? ?f the Six Sigm? DMAIC (D?fin?, M???ur?, An?l?z?, Im?r?v?, C?ntr?l) m?th?d?l?g?. It i? ?imil?r and r?l?t?d t? ?r????? mapping ?nd âin/?ut ?f scopeâ tools, but ?r?vid?? ?dditi?n?l detail.The t??l n?m? prompts th? team t? ??n?id?r th? ?u??li?r? (th? âsâ in SIPOC) of your ?r?????, th? in?ut? (the âiâ) to th? ?r?????, th? ?r????? (th? âpâ) ??ur t??m i? improving, th? ?ut?ut? (th? â?â) ?f th? ?r?????, ?nd th? ?u?t?m?r? (th? â?â) th?t receive the process ?ut?ut?. In some cases, r??uir?m?nt? of th? customers ??n be ????nd?d t? th? ?nd ?f the SIPOC for furth?r detail.Th? SIPOC t??l is ??rti?ul?rl? u??ful wh?n it is n?t clear:Wh? supplies in?ut? to the ?r??????What ????ifi??ti?n? are placed on th? in?ut??Wh? ?r? th? true ?u?t?m?r? ?f the ?r??????What ?r? th? r??uir?m?nt? ?f th? ?u?t?m?r?? S?ur??: EdrawSteps to Complete the SIPOC DiagramSIPOC di?gr?m? are very easy t? ??m?l?t?. H?r? are th? ?t??? ??u ?h?uld follow:Cr??t? ?n area th?t will ?ll?w th? team t? ???t ?dditi?n? t? the SIPOC diagram. Thi? ??uld b? a transparancy (t? b? projected by an overhead) m?d? of th? ?r?vid?d t?m?l?t?, fli? ?h?rt? with headings (S-I-P-O-C) writt?n ?n ???h, or headings written on ???t-it n?t?? ???t?d t? a wall.B?gin with th? ?r?????. M?? it in f?ur to five high l?v?l steps.Identify th? ?ut?ut? of thi? ?r?????.Id?ntif? th? customers th?t will receive th? outputs ?f thi? process.Id?ntif? th? in?ut? r??uir?d f?r th? ?r????? t? function ?r???rl?.Id?ntif? th? suppliers ?f the inputs th?t ?r? r??uir?d b? th? process.O?ti?n?l: Id?ntif? th? ?r?limin?r? requirements of th? customers. Thi? will be verified during a l?t?r ?t?? of the Six Sigma m???ur?m?nt ?h???.Di??u?? with ?r?j??t ???n??r, Ch?m?i?n ?nd other involved ?t?k?h?ld?r? for v?rifi??ti?n.SoftwareOf ??ur??, anybody with pen ?nd ????r ??n ?r ??t? a perfectly g??d ?r????? m??â"but for ?rg?niz?ti?n? serious about cultivating a ?ultur? of im?r?v?m?nt, ?r????? m???ing ??ftw?r? i? a mu?t.Wh?n organizational l??d?r? view a ?r????? map, the âim?g?â is h?w they und?r?t?nd th? ???t?m t? b?. In other words, the map needs to b? ?? detailed ?nd ???ur?t? ?? ????ibl? t? ?v?id ??nfu?i?n l?t?r ?n.A w?ll-?x??ut?d workflow map ?r?vid?? a ??m?r?h?n?iv? view ?f ?r???-d???rtm?nt?l processes, giving ?rg?niz?ti?n?l leaders a detailed l??k ?t in?ut?, outputs ?nd the steps in b?tw??n. Business ?r????? mapping ??ftw?r? ?r?vid?? th? m??n? t? ?r??t? m??? of th? highest ?rd?r. But what i? the b??t ??ftw?r? f?r organizations undergoing process im?r?v?m?nt initi?tiv???H?r? is a l??k ?t ??m? ?f th? t?? business process m???ing ??ftw?r? ?nd tools (in n? ??rti?ul?r order), in?luding ?r??, ??n? ?nd ???t?m r??uir?m?nt?.C?n???tDr?wAlth?ugh it? many ?h??? and line tools m?k? it ???? t? u?? C?n???tDr?w f?r flowchart ?nd ?r????? m???ing, it d??? much mor e th?n that.Thi? comprehensive, multi-purpose m???ing ?nd dr?wing platform can b? u??d f?r ?r????? m?d?ling, SWOT analysis, t??hni??l drawings, wir?fr?m??, n?tw?rk diagrams ?nd more.Although th?r? is no r??l-tim? ??ll?b?r?ti?n, ConceptDraw i? a fine ?h?i?? for bu?in????? that n??d dr?wing t??l? f?r multi?l? purposes.Pr??:Cr??t? wid? r?ng? of di?gr?m? ?nd chartsCr??t? ?nd save ?u?t?m shapesExt?n?iv? im??rt and ?x??rt ??ti?n?Cons:No ?ut-?f-th?-b?x cloud int?gr?ti?nThin ?u???rt and d??um?nt?ti?n (?t??? learning ?urv?)L??k? r??l-tim? collaboration ????biliti??S??t?m R??uir?m?nt?:M??A??l? OS X 10.10 and high?r5 GB RAM650 Mb HDDWind?w?Wind?w? 7/8.1/10 (32 and 64 bit)Int?l or AMD, 1.8 GHz processor5 GB RAM540 Mb di?k spaceEdrawEdr?w i? ?n excellent ?h?i?? f?r n?vi?? t? ?x??ri?n??d ?r????? map ?r??t?r? alike. With a large and useful array ?f built-in tools, including th?u??nd? ?f v??t?r ??mb?l? ?nd templates, Edr?w u??r? ??n g?n?r?t? a multitud? of bu?in??? di?gr?m? with?ut ?r?vi?u? process m???ing ?x??ri?n??â"?lth?ugh th? t??lâ? full ?rr?? ?f f??tur?? ?nd capabilities m?? b? l??t ?n n?vi?? u??r? ?t the b?ginning. Th? intuitiv? l???ut ?l???l? mimi?? that ?f Mi?r???ftâ? Offi?? ?uit?, ?dding a level of intuitiv?n??? and f?mili?rit? l??king in ?th?r ?r????? mapping ??ftw?r?.Pr??Ext?n?iv? shape libr?r?Intuitiv?, familiar interfaceR??l-tim? collaboration ????biliti??ConsN? revision hi?t?r?Sh?ring ?nd ?r???nt?ti?n limit?ti?n?C?n?id?r?bl? l??rning ?urv?S??t?m R??uir?m?nt?Windows 2000, Windows XP, Wind?w? 2003, Wind?w? Vi?t?, Windows 7 ?r later512 MB ?f RAM, 300 MB available disk ?????P?ntium II, 750 MHz ?r??????r1024 x 768 ??r??n r???luti?nLu?id?h?rtLu?id?h?rt i? ?n ?nlin?, cloud-based di?gr?m ???li??ti?n t??l. One ?f th? more ?tr?ightf?rw?rd ?nlin? fl?w?h?rt makers, Lucidchart g?t? high marks ?m?ng u??r? f?r it? intuitiv? int?rf??? ?nd collaborative f??tur??.Lu?id?h?rt is t?il?r-m?d? f?r t??hni??l di?gr?m?, bu?in??? diagrams and product m?n?g?m?nt fl?w?h?rt?.Pr??:Ease- of-useCl?ud storageCu?t?miz?bl? ?dit?rOnlin? ??ll?b?r?ti?nWid? symbols libr?r?Cons:Low ???hi?ti??ti?nConnectivity issuesR????n?iv?n??? b???d ?n Int?rn?t connectionS??t?m R??uir?m?nt?:Lucidchart i? a ?l?ud application ??rvi?? (SAAS) built ?n HTML5; it w?rk? ?n ?v?r? m?j?r browser ?nd m??t Int?rn?t-?n?bl?d d?vi???Vi?i?Mi?r???ft Vi?i? i? r?utin?l? r?nk?d ?m?ng the b??t process mapping ?nd flowchart d??ign programs. Thi? ?x??n?iv? ?nd powerful ?r????? m???ing software is id??l f?r l?rg? businesses ?nd enterprise-level organizations, but itâs ?l?? gr??t f?r ?n??n? wh? n??d? t? map ?ut ??m?li??t?d ?r??????? ?nd inf?rm?ti?n fl?w?.Vi?i? allows you to create ?r?f???i?n?l multi-??g? di?gr?m?, ?rg?niz?ti?n?l charts, wireframes, bu?in??? ?r????? m?d?ling di?gr?m? ?nd m?r?. Vi?i? i? th? process m???ing t??l of choice for Bu?in??? Ent?r?ri?? M???ing.Pr??:R??l-tim? ??ll?b?r?ti?nIntuitive user interfaceLink d?t? t? shapes using ?th?r ???li??ti?n? (i.e., Mi?r???ft Ex??l)C?n?:Not compatible with A??l? ?r?du?t? (M?? ??m?ut?r? and iP?d?)L??k? revision hi?t?r? featureSt??? l??rning ?urv?S??t?m R??uir?m?nt?:Windows 7 SP1 t? Wind?w? 102 BG RAM, 3 GB available disk space1 GHz processor with SSE2 support1280 x 800 ??r??n resolutionDirectX 10 gr??hi?? ??rdN?t?: Vi?i? u??r? can ?dd ?n ?xtr? l???r ?f functionality with T??kM??, a professional data vi?u?liz?ti?n ???li??ti?n f?r Microsoft Vi?i?. TaskMap builds on th? impressive ?r????? mapping capabilities ?f Vi?i? b? ?r?viding ?r?-d?fin?d icons, vi?u?l ?nn?t?ti?n?, and d?n?mi? d?t? linking. T??kM?? ?l?? m?k?? it ???i?r t? d?fin? gr?nul?r ?r????? details, such as r????n?ibl? roles, guidelines, r???ur???, ?ub-?r???????, ?t?.The Fr?m?w?rk of Business Pr????? MappingYou m?? now be asking h?w ?x??tl? you g? ?b?ut m???ing your bu?in??? processes. T? d? it right, you w?nt a f?rm?l ?r???dur?. Th? following i? a u??ful framework.Id?ntif? ??ur ?rg?niz?ti?nâ? best ?r??ti???: As in th? principles of g??d bu?in??? process mapping, ??ur organizat ion ?h?uld ?gr?? on what is m????d ?nd th? scope of ???h. Th? process ?h?uld be ???il? und?r?t??d ?? m????d b? ??m??n? wh? is n?t ?l??? t? it. Each process should ?l?? h?v? a ??ri?? ?f questions posed t? it that ?n?w?r why it i? b?ing d?n? ?nd what g??? into each d?t?il of it. Fin?ll?, ???l? m?tri?? ?? a basis f?r measuring th? ?u????? of ???h process.As-is in process design: S???ifi??ll? d?fin? the purpose of m???ing th? ?r?????. A?k wh?r? th? process initi?t?? ?nd ?nd?, ?nd d?t?rmin? wh?t the opportunity ?f fixing it ??uld become. Aft?r ??l??ting a ?r?????, determine ?ll th? ?t??? in it, ?? w?ll as in?ut? ?nd ?ut?ut?. E?t?bli?h th? ???t?m?, r?l??, and time inv?lv?d. Select a m???ing t??hni?u?. Int?rvi?w th? contributors for the roles th?? play in th? ?r?????, l??king ?t ?v?r? dut? ?nd decision point. Th? f?ll?wing are th? ????ifi? criteria th?t ??u ?r? looking f?r in every ?r?????: R????n?ibiliti??, Obj??tiv??, A?tiviti??, Inputs, Out?ut?, Cu?t?m?r?, Risks ?nd ??ntr?l?, K?? perfor mance indi??t?r?.An?l?z? and evaluate: Review ??ur ?r????? m??. You ?r? l??king f?r ?r??????? th?t ?r? redundant, d?l??? ?nd unnecessary steps, v?gu?n???, bottlenecks, ??int? ?f r?w?rk, and fl?w? th?t continually ???? back ?nd f?rth between ??rt?in people. D?t?rmin? a measure f?r ???h segment, ?nd wh?r? ?x??tl? t? im?l?m?nt it. Id?ntif? th? ???r??ri?t? ????l? t? r?vi?w th? map. S?l??t a ?r????? im?r?v?m?nt ?l?n. Process innovation ?n?l???? ?h?uld ??n?id?r St?v?n Sh??ir?â? 7 Râs ?f ?r????? inn?v?ti?n: R?think, R???nfigur?, Resequence, Relocate, R?du??, Reassign, R?t??l.T?-b? in ?r????? d??ign: D??um?nt th? process, ?m?h??izing ?n? ?r?bl?m ?r???. Using the b??t practices d?v?l???d in St?? 1, d??um?nt th? diff?r?n??? in the existing ?nd new ?r???????. Use a r??t ??u?? analysis t? ferret ?ut ??t?nti?l ?r?bl?m?.HOW TO MAP BUSINESS PROCESSES STEP-BY-STEPH?r? ?r? the g?n?r?l steps t? mapping ?ut ??ur bu?in??? ?r???????. Th??? ?f course ?h?uld be ???li?d u?ing th? best ?r??ti??? discuss ed in the ???ti?n b?l?w.Step 1. Establish th? boundariesWhile itâ? g??d to map out all of ??ur processes, ??u have to ?t?rt from ??m?wh?r?. So, th? fir?t ?t?? is to ?i?k th? process ??uâd want t? start w?rking with. Define wh?r? the ?r????? begins and wh?r? it ?nd?.You ?r?b?bl? w?nt to ?t?rt with the process thatâs ?riti??l t? your bu?in???, th? im?r?v?m?nt ?f whi?h ??n easily be tr??k?d with numb?r?. Or, if youâre going f?r Bu?in??? Pr????? Im?r?v?m?nt (BPI), th?n ??u might want t? g? for a process thatâs und?r??rf?rming.S?m? ?r??????? will h?v? m?r? th?n one ????ibl? ?nd, so itâs im??rt?nt to determine all ?f th?m in ?rd?r t? m?? all ????ibl? ?ut??m??.G?n?r?ll?, however, there ?r? thr?? w??? t? g? about ??l??ting th? process:R???tiv?: This is where a process h?? f?il?d or i? majorly underperforming, du? t? ??m? ??rt ?f a bottleneck. Y?uâd want t? carry ?ut m???ing here as a m??n? ?f id?ntif?ing ?nd fixing th? i??u?.Str?t?gi?: This i? wh?n the m???ing i? b?ing d?n? ?? ??rt of a high-level ?tr?t?gi? ?v?rh?ul, in which ???? th? ?r????? chosen will b? one th?t is ??n?id?r?d integral t? that strategy ?nd th? organizationâs g??l?.Cu?t?m?r-F??u??d: And finally, thi? i? wh?n th? ?r????? i? ??l??t?d f?r m???ing b???u?? it i? key to ?n?uring th?t ?u?t?m?r ??ti?f??ti?n i? im?r?v?d ?nd fixing ?r?bl?m? ?r inefficiencies within th?t process will d?liv?r a visible b???t f?r ?u?t?m?r?.Step 2. Bring T?g?th?r (Th? Right) Pr?j??t T??mEv?n if ??u know th? ins-and-outs of ??ur bu?in???, youâll still w?nt t? ?????r?t? with th? field ?m?l????? wh? work with th? process. Th?ir in?ut can b? priceless on this, ?? th?? might already h?v? a f?w id??? ?n h?w t? improve th? processes.In addition, th??âll ?l?? ??t ?? ?v?ng?li?t? f?r the initiative. Change tends to be ???r? f?r ?v?r??n? â" ?nd a process m???ing initi?tiv? might ???m thr??t?ning t? some of th? fi?ld ?m?l?????.Wh? kn?w?, m??b? ??m??n?â? ???iti?n will h?v? to b? ?ut t? in?r???? efficiency? Involving th? m in th? initiative will m?k? sure th?t th?ir voices ?r? h??rd, putting th? fear of being left ?ut t? r??t.You might ?l?? w?nt to g?t ??m??n? fr?m th? senior m?n?g?m?nt on the t??m. With?ut ?n?, ??u might h?v? to ??k for management ???r?v?l on ?v?n th? smallest changed youâd w?nt t? carry out.Step 3. Li?t the actions th?t driv? th? ?r????? f?rw?rdOn?? youâve w?rk?d ?ut what ??u w?nt to achieve ?nd which ?r????? ??u ?r? g?ing to map, ??u n??d t? start gathering the r??uir?d inf?rm?ti?n.All ?f th? steps n??d t? be id?ntifi?d and recorded, capturing who d??? wh?t, wh?n ?nd h?w, g?th?ring ?? much d?t?il ?? i? r??uir?d to h?v? a ??m?r?h?n?iv? ?r????? m??.At thi? fir?t ?t?g?, it i? best t? ?rr ?n th? ?id? ?f g?tting t?? much inf?rm?ti?n ?nd filtering it d?wn ?? ??u work thr?ugh it, rather th?n ?nd up with not ?n?ugh ?nd have t? revisit th? ?r?????.Step 4. Order the actionsN?w that ??u h?v? d?t?rmin?d ?ll th? ??ti?n?bl? ?t??? th?t ?r? n??????r? t? move ??ur ?r????? fr?m b?ginning t? en d, itâ? time to ?rd?r them.Each ??ti?n should trigg?r th? subsequent ?t?? in th? process.Step 5. S?mb?l?Make ?ur? youâre using th? ???r??ri?t? ??mb?l? to m?? ??ur processes ?t???. E??h ?l?m?nt in a ?r????? map i? r??r???nt?d b? a ????ifi? fl?w?h?rt ??mb?l, whi?h t?g?th?r r??r???nt ?r????? mapping ??mb?l?:Ovals show the b?ginning ?r th? ending of a ?r?????.R??t?ngl?? ?h?w ?n ???r?ti?n ?r ??tivit? that needs t? be d?n?.Arrows r??r???nt the dir??ti?n of flow.Diamonds ?h?w a point wh?r? a d??i?i?n mu?t b? m?d?. Arr?w? ??ming ?ut ?f a di?m?nd ?r? u?u?ll? l?b?l?d ??? or no. Onl? ?n? ?rr?w ??m?? ?ut of ?n ??tivit? b?x. If more th?n i? n??d?d, ??u ?h?uld ?r?b?bl? use a decision di?m?nd.P?r?ll?l?gr?m? ?h?w inputs ?r ?ut?ut?.If th? ?r????? youâre mapping i? ???li??l, make sure th? f??db??k loop is ?l???d, t?king you b??k t? th? beginning.Step 6. S??t?m ModelUse th? ???t?m model ???r???h to dr?w your fl?w?h?rt ?nd m?? ??ur ?r???????. It helps you d?t?rmin? what information ?h?uld be ?dd? d and where.Step 7. An?l?z? Id?ntif? Ar??? f?r ImprovementEven th?ugh ??u h?v? your ?r????? m?? in h?nd, ??ur w?rk i?nât really d?n?. Whatâs th? point ?f the map, ?ft?r ?ll, unl??? ??u actually l??rn something from it m?k? ??m? im?r?v?m?nt?.From your ?r?vi?u? investigations, youâve ?r?b?bl? ?lr??d? identified a flow ?r tw? within the process as-is. With th? map, h?w?v?r, you can find a l?t m?r?.Fr?m th?n ?n, ??uâd w?nt t? ??rr? out BPI ?r BPR, finding diff?r?nt w??? t? im?r?v? ?n th? ?r????? (?r m??b? completely restructure it).On?? ??u have ?n id?? ?r tw? ?n h?w that could w?rk, ??uâd want to im?l?m?nt th? new ?r??????? ?n a ?m?ll?r ???l?, and if it w?rk? b?tt?r than th? ?ld, ???l? it t? th? r??t of th? ?rg?niz?ti?n.If your employees are h?ving difficulties ?d??ting t? the new ?r?????, ??u ??uld giv? th?m a small nudge b? ?r??ting ?nd ??mmuni??ting a n?w process map.Step 8. Monitoring Im?r?v?m?nt?Wh?th?r the Bu?in??? Process Mapping i? b?ing done as part of a l?rg?r ove rhaul of processes within your ?rg?niz?ti?n ?r not, ??u n??d to ?t?rt ?r???r m?nit?ring ?f h?w your improved ?r????? is fun?ti?ning.Onl? through ??n?t?nt m?nit?ring ?nd optimization ??n ??u ?x???t your ?r??????? to ??ntinu? t? b? r?fin?d and im?r?v?d, Bu?in??? Process M???ing cannot b? a ?n?-tim? thing th?t will be ?x???t?d t? fix all of ??ur ?r?bl?m?.Process Mapping Best Pr??ti???B?f?r? id?ntif?ing the process ?t???, start with id?ntif?ing th? ?t?rt and ?nd ??int? of th? process. Thi? h?l?? with ??tting limit?M?k? ??ur ?r????? m??? ?? ???? ?nd ?im?l? as ????ibl? to read ?nd und?r?t?nd by ?n??n? in ??ur ??m??n?Keep ?nl? th? n??????r? d?t?il? on ??ur map. N?t l??? or m?r? th?n n??d?d to id?ntif? ?r??? f?r im?r?v?m?nt?M?k? ?ur? you u?? th? ??rr??t process map ??mb?l? wh?n drawing t? ?v?id ??nfu?i?nInclude all th? k?? stakeholders wh?n m???ing the ?r????? to avoid mi??ing ?ut on important inf?rm?ti?n ?r stepsU?? a business process m???ing ??ftw?r? th?t allows ??u to ?ui?kl? dr?w ?? wel l as ??ll?b?r?t? with ??ur t??m in real-time for efficiencyADVANTAGES OF BUSINESS PROCESS MAPPING Th? vi?u?l aspect i? k??: If ?i?tur?? are w?rth one th?u??nd w?rd?, then a w?ll-?x??ut?d process m?? ??uld b? worth one million dollars (?r more) in decision-making ??w?r.But the benefits go b???nd m?king it ???i?r to und?r?t?nd ?r ?im?l? t? grasp. Letâs start with number one.Team Involvement ?nd M?r?l?Wh?n ??u inv?lv? ?v?r??n? in th? ?r????? improvement ?nd m???ing ?x?r?i??, ???h ??r??n in th? r??m is empowered to ?n??t ???itiv? ?h?ng? within ??ur ?rg?niz?ti?n. The fir?t ?????t ?f empowerment comes fr?m a k?? hum?n tr?it: a sense ?f ??m?r?d?ri? in ?h??i??l ?r???n??.In?lud? as m?n? employees as possible in ??ur ?r????? mapping meetings. F?r l?rg?, ??m?l?x ?rg?niz?ti?n?, this might be easier said th?n done, but ?v?r? warm b?d? in the r??m ????ntu?t?? thi? b?n?fit all th? more. Even ?m?ll d?l?g?ti?n? or single r??r???nt?tiv?? from l?rg? divi?i?n? ?r? better than not h?ving ?n??n? from t hat d???rtm?nt.Physical hum?n ?r???n?? dr?w? immediacy t? th? task at h?nd in a w?? that ?th?r virtu?l communication d???nât match. Once you r???h a ??luti?n, th? im???t ?f m???ing ?nd ?tr??mlining the process im?rint? th? ???itiv? ?x??ri?n?? on th? mind? ?f ?v?r??n? involved. Employees f??l th? ??w?r of ??ll?b?r?ti?n ?nd d?nât f??l ?l?n? in th? f??? ?f a menacing problem.H?ving every k?? t??m member in ?tt?nd?n?? also improves m?r?l? ?n ??v?r?l levels. First, th?? ??? th?t this fru?tr?ting, ??m?l?x ?r?bl?m i? b?ing d??lt with. S???nd, they h?v? a ??rt in ?r??ting th? solution.A ?h??i??l m??ting ?l?? means an opportunity for immediate f??db??k â" whi?h is g??d f?r you as w?ll ?? ??ur t??m, b???u?? ?m?l????? f??l th?t th??âr? being h??rd.Employee ?ng?g?m?ntIt i? often ??id th?t ?m?l????? ?r? ??ur m??t v?lu?bl? r???ur??, ??t many ?rg?niz?ti?n? f?il to t?? into employeesâ kn?wl?dg?, t?l?nt ?nd ?ff?rt t? ??lv? diffi?ult problems and ???r?t? a b?tt?r business.Th? best way t? in? r???? ?m?l?????â ??ti?f??ti?n is to ??tiv?l? engage them t? d?fin? th? ?r??????? in which they w?rk, ??li?it th?ir in?ut in ??lving th? ?r?bl?m? th?t ?r?v?nt them fr?m d?ing a b?tt?r j?b and th?n ?u???rt them ?? th?? improve th? w?rk within th?ir ?r?? ?f r????n?ibilit?.Real competitive ?dv?nt?g? ??m?? fr?m g?tting engagement fr?m m?r? ????l? t? contribute more v?lu? t? the ?rg?niz?ti?n.Pin??int V?gu? Pr?bl?m?When th? process ?t?rt? ?t P?int A ?nd ?nd? at P?int Z, itâs not always ???? to d?t?rmin? wh?r? the ?r????? i? taking t?? mu?h time ?r using too m?n? budget dollars.Th?tâ? wh?r? ?r????? m???ing shines: ?v?r??n? di???v?r? ?x??tl? h?w the ?r????? h????n?, n?t how it i? ?u?????d t? happen or h?w it h????n? ?n paper. In creating the ?r????? map, ??u uncover where th??? di??r???n?i?? b?tw??n the id??l and the r??lit? ?r??? int? ??ur ?r?????.The key t? i??l?ting your most v?xing trouble ?r??? i? being d?t?il?d t? a f?ult. Who ??nd? th? ?r?j??t approval? Wh?n do they ??tu?ll? d? it? H?w d? th?? ??mmuni??t? approval or changes: by email, ?h?n? ?r in-??r??n?G?t ?v?r?thing down, ?v?n if ??u h?v? ?n id?? ?n how to fix it. On?? your process h?? b??n m????d ?nd ?v?r??n? in th? r??m und?r?t?nd? wh?r? itâ? breaking d?wn, th?n ??u have the insight ??u need t? re-map the ?r????? and eliminate ?n? ?r?bl?m?.S??ing the Big Pi?tur?This i? a ??mm?nl? ?r?i??d attribute of ?r????? m???ing, and itâs ?ft?n glossed ?v?r t?? ?ui?kl?. Yes, b?th ??u ?nd your ?t?ff und?r?t?nd a ?r????? b?tt?r wh?n ??u ??? the whole thing vi?u?ll? di?gr?mm?d, but thereâs more t? it.Fir?t, th? process m???ing exercise connects ?v?r??n? t? th? ?r????? ?? ??uâr? di?gr?mming it. Th?? f??l th? ??in, fru?tr?ti?n and confusion of th?ir fellow t??m members. Th?t creates ?rg?niz?ti?n?l ?m??th?, priming th? team to ?r??t? a ??luti?n th?t w?rk? f?r ?v?r??n? inv?lv?d.Second, a fini?h?d â" ?nd improved â" process m?? ?r?vid?? a ?l??r vi?i?n ?f the futur?. Itâs one thing to m?? h?w th? process w?rk? in th? ?r???nt, but after ?in??inting ?r?bl?m? ?nd proposing ??luti?n?, ??u h?v? th? ability t? re-map the process to wh?t it ?h?uld b?. N?w, with th? big ?i?tur? in h?nd, ?m?l????? ?r? ?bl? t? carry ?ut improvements with a shared vi?i?n in mind.Third, it makes ?m?l????? m?r? ?w?r? ?f how th?ir work ?ff??t? ?v?r??n? ?l??â?. With a ?i?t?ri?l und?r?t?nding ?f the ?r?????, Em?l???? A w?nât t?k? so l?ng wh?n sending hi? w?rk in, or Admini?tr?t?r B now kn?w? to ?h??k in if she h??nât h??rd fr?m M?nuf??turing b? th? 15th, b???u?? ?v?r??n? ?l?? down th? line i? w?iting and fru?tr?t?d.Customer ??ti?f??ti?nBusiness l??d?r? are ?ft?n surprised to find ?ut int?rn?l processes ?r? not ?lign?d ?nd th? r??ult i? a ?u?t?m?r ?x??ri?n?? th?t i?nât as g??d ?? it could be. Cu?t?m?r value i? in th? ??? ?f th? perceiver.B? ???t?m?ti??ll? studying ?u?t?m?r wants and n??d?, an ?rg?niz?ti?n can build r?bu?t bu?in??? processes th?t ??n?i?t?ntl? meets th??? needs and delivers a ?ignifi??nt ??m??titiv? ?dv?nt?g? ?v?r tim?.S?ti?fi?d ?u?t?m?r? ?r? th? r??ult ?f a ??ri?? ?f business processes th?t ?lign t? m??t their n??d?. Th? m?r? ?r??????? that ?r? in ??n? with one ?n?th?r, the m?r? likely ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n will consistently deliver ?u??ri?r ?u?t?m?r value over ?n ?xt?nd?d ??ri?d of tim?.Wh?tâ? the diff?r?n?? b?tw??n ?r????? mapping and process m?d?ling?Pr????? m???ing i? often ??nfu??d with ?r????? modeling. Although th?? work in conjunction with each other, th?? are diff?r?nt and serve separate ?ur?????. Pr????? m???ing is the fir?t key ?t?? aimed ?t id?ntif?ing and d??um?nting t??k? ?r ??tiviti?? within a bu?in??? process. It ?t??? thr?ugh ?n ?nd-t?-?nd process, including what is b?ing d?n?, wh? i? inv?lv?d, as well ?? when ?nd wh?r?.Pr????? m???ing ?id? in ?u???rting bu?in??? ?r????? m?d?ling, which i? intended t? b? a t??l t? m?ximiz? ?ffi?i?n?i?? within th? bu?in??? process. Bu?in??? ?r????? m?d?ling inv?lv?? l??king ?t th? ?r??????? from a ?tr?t?gi? vi?w t? ?n?ur? ?lignm?n t with company-wide goals, wh?r? ?r??????? ??n th?n b? r?-?ngin??r?d ?nd ??timiz?d f?r improved efficiency.C?m?li?n?? and AuditingW?rking in ?n? organization with ??m?l?x ??m?li?n?? ?nd audit requirements m?k?? a simple ?r????? imm?di?t?l? m?r? intri??t?. Fortunately, ?r????? m???ing h?l?? with th?t t??.When im?l?m?nting n?w ??m?li?n?? ?r???dur?? or ?r???ring f?r ?n ?udit, m?biliz? your t??m f?r a new ?r????? m???ing m??ting. As u?u?l, ?t?rt with the ?urr?nt process and m?? it completely â" something m?? h?v? ?h?ng?d since th? last tim? ??u m????d, so be d?t?il?d.Th?n, r?d??ign ??ur ?r????? m?? to in?lud? th? n?w ??m?li?n?? r??uir?m?nt?. Thi? communicates th? im??rt?n?? ?f th? n?w ?r???dur?? to ?v?r??n? inv?lv?d ?nd giv?? t??m members ????ifi? ??m?li?n?? ?wn?r?hi? ?f th?ir t??k?.Wh?n it ??m?? time f?r an ?udit or ??rtifi??ti?n test, h?nd th? auditor ??ur n?w process m??. Th? di?gr?m helps th? ?udit?r und?r?t?nd ??ur ??m?li?n?? ?r???dur?? and ??mmuni??t?? ??ur responsibility in th? process.Trim Unn??????r? St???Process m???ing lays bare ?v?r? detail ?f the ?r?????, ?utting the process under a mi?r?????? f?r inspection. Ju?t lik? any look in a mirror, it r?v??l? ?r??? th?t need w?rk.On?? ??ur ?r????? i? mapped, ?x?min? it f?r n?n-v?lu?-?dd?d ?t???. Di???v?r unnecessary r???titi?n? ?r time-wasting ?id?tr??k?, th?n trim as n??d?d wh?n ??u re-map the ?r?????.Al?? l??k ?ut for b?ttl?n??k?, w?r?t-???? scenarios ?nd other wasteful h?bit? that h?v? ?r??t into ??ur ?r????? and brainstorm with your t??m about h?w to ?limin?t? th?m fr?m the n?w map.New Employee Tr?iningWhen w?? th? last tim? a new ?t?ff member ??tu?ll? understood ??ur complex processes ?n th? fir?t d?? of w?rk? In the fir?t week? In th? fir?t ???r?T?? mu?h ?r????? di???v?r? tim? i? w??t?d tim?. Catch your new team members u? t? ????d with a d?t?il?d, ???ur?t? process map. Vi?u?ll?, it is mu?h easier to understand, ?nd it ?r?vid?? a gr??t avenue f?r ?u??ti?n? ?b?ut th? ?r?????.Bu?in??? ?r????? improvement mapping i?nât just ?b?ut h?l?ing ??ur ?urr?nt ?m?l????? â" itâ? also ?b?ut helping ??ur futur? ?n??.Financial r?turn on investmentEng?ging and r?t?ining ?u?t?m?r? i? just ??rt ?f the story. An ?rg?niz?ti?n mu?t d?liv?r return ?n inv??t?d ???it?l that d?liv?r? a ?u?????ful economic ?ut??m? f?r stakeholders.If th?r?â? no margin, th?r?â? n? mission.Th?t m??n? taking a look at im?r?ving ?r?du?t ?nd service ???t? ?nd margins, reducing ???r?ting and support ???t?, ?nd increasing the effectiveness ?f balance ?h??t ????t?.C?m?li?n?? ri?kIn n??rl? ?v?r? industry there is ?n element of regulatory ??m?li?n?? that ??n be ???tl? if ri?k i?nât ???????d in ?dv?n??.Th? b??t way to ???tur? business ?r????? knowledge is t? ?ng?g? employees on th? fr?nt lin? who und?r?t?nd h?w w?rk gets executed ?nd ??n commit to owning th? business mi??i?n ?nd ??m?li?n?? r??uir?m?nt? within th?ir ?r?? ?f r????n?ibilit?.Documenting ?nd managing standard business ?r??????? puts a company in a f?r better ??? iti?n t? mitigate th? ri?k of ??m?li?n?? and catastrophic f?ilur?.Circulate B??t PracticesAn? ????i?liz?d, ??m?l?x process u?u?ll? accumulates v?ri?ti?n? in it? ?r??ti???. Planning d??? Task A different than M?nuf??turing, wh? v?ri?? from M?rk?ting wh? f?ll?w? th? tr?diti?n ?f ?n ?m?l???? that r?tir?d fiv? ???r? ago, ?nd so ?n. A? a r??ult, ??ur ?r??????? b???m? widely v?ri?d ?t b??t and tangled ?t worst.A ?r????? m?? highlight? all ?f th??? v?ri?nt practices, ?ll?wing you t? prune ?ut th? in?ffi?i?nt and propagate th? m??t ?ff??tiv?.After ??ur initi?l m?? i? ??m?l?t?, dr?w attention to wh?t or who on ??ur team is ??rf?rming ?x???ti?n?ll? w?ll. With the wh?l? t??m ?r???nt â" and with a visual map to ?l??rl? und?r?t?nd the b?n?fit? â" ?n? ??r??nâ? great id?? b???m?? th? whole ?t?ffâ? b??t ?r??ti??. Th? more ?ft?n you map ??ur processes, the m?r? ?ft?n ??uâll gl??n these inn?v?tiv? ?nd insightful solutions.LIMITATIONS OF PR????? M???ING A process map outlines th? j?b duties pe rformed t? complete a ????ifi? t??k at th? workplace.M??? ??n b? u??d t? ?utlin? manufacturing ?r???????, corporate ?tru?tur?? and m?n?g?m?nt t??k?. Pr????? m??? ?r?vid? v?lu?bl? inf?rm?ti?n ?b?ut a ?r????? to h?l? m?n?g?m?nt find w??? t? m?k? th? ?r????? ?v?n b?tt?r.Whil? there are m?n? advantages t? creating ?r????? m???, th?r? ?r? a f?w di??dv?nt?g?? th?t should n?t b? ?v?rl??k?d.A??ur??? ?f D?t?D?t? ??ll??t?d t? ?r??t? a process m?? n??d? t? be ???ur?t? in ?rd?r f?r th? map to b? h?l?ful in outlining a ?r?????. Em?l????? u?ing ?urr?nt ?r??????? ?r? u?u?ll? asked t? ??ntribut? to d?t? collection.Collection methods in?lud? surveys, int?rvi?w?, ?n?l??i? ?f the ?r?????, ?t?ti?ti??l and ???t ??rf?rm?n?? d?t?.S?m?tim?? th? d?t? collected may n?t be r??r???nt?tiv? ?f th? ?ntir? ?r????? or may b???m? skewed by ??ini?n ?r employee di???ti?f??ti?n.Pr????? Map D?t?il?T? create ?n ???ur?t? process m?? r??uir?? an ?tt?nti?n t? detail. If ??u do not have the ??ti?n?? ?r ?kill t? ?r??t? a proc ess map the task ??n b???m? ?v?rwh?lming. This ??n lead t? errors in int?r?r?ting d?t? ?r ???iti?ning d?t? ?n the m??.Input R?ng?Process maps t??i??ll? in?lud? data fr?m ?m?ll gr?u?? ?f employees. This d?t? m?? not be r??r???nt?tiv? of th? ?ntir? ?r?????, h?w?v?r, if th? ?r????? i? large or ???n? multi?l? d???rtm?nt?.T? create a m?r? ???ur?t? ?r????? m??, you m?? h?v? t? first ?r??t? a dr?ft u?ing d?t? from a small group ?f employees.Sending thi? draft to a larger gr?u? f?r f??db??k ?nd t? v?rif? ???ur??? increases th? tim? it takes to ?r?du?? ?n ???ur?t? ?r????? map.F??ilit?ti?nP?rti?i??ti?n from employees ?nd management i? necessary t? compile accurate d?t? t? ?r??t? a ?r????? m??.Those ?r??ting the map must clearly ?utlin? th?ir objectives t? m?n?g?m?nt. M?n?g?m?nt n??d? to ?n??ur?g? ?m?l????? t? ?r?vid? u??ful information based ?n the ?bj??tiv??.With?ut clear ??mmuni??ti?n between th??? ?r??ting the ?r????? map ?nd management, th? data collected m?? n?t b? ?? accurate or u??ful as it could b?.
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